Friday, August 12, 2011

Do i have a case against my ex-employer?

I quit my job a few weeks ago after working for a construction company in FL for 3 and a half years. the supervisor was harassing me for the 3rd time and I just could not take it any more so I told the Forman on the job that I quit. My question is do I have a case for something that happened while I was working there? I was told to drive a water truck to another city and water the grass that we have installed a few months prior. They had me go down there with a water meter that did not belong to that city and hook it up to a water hydrant by the job and get my water that way. Turns out the cops seen me and wrote me a ticket for petty theft of stealing water cause I did not have the correct water meter and it didn’t even work. Well I told my work what happened and they said give us the ticket and we will take care of it. So I did that, a moth later I get a letter in the mail for a warrant out for my arrest because never my work did nothing about it and never set up a court date so they assigned me one and I missed it. I new nothing about this. So the next day I went down to the courts and got the warrant lifted and got a new court date. went to court and they said if I paid the 500 fine then they would drop the case. After talking ...talking and talking... to my work I finally got them to pay the fine. But now my problem is this is showing up on my criminal background check... petty theft and that I had a warrant out for my arrest, apartment complexes are not letting me move in because it and now I cant find a place that will let me put a roof over my head. I have proof that a place has already denied me to live there because of that. All I was trying to do was my job that my work gave me... do I have a case?? Crooks. They still steal water from the city to this day! I did not want to speak out because of the fear of losing my job over it at the time. This is just one of the many laws that they have broken.

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