Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How can i get my bf backk?

I am only 13 but me and my bf were going out and we were soo happy but the thing is , we were in different homerooms, classes, and live in different neighborhoods. we are in middle school and he is also 13. Then, the day before we had our fieldtrip to Springfield we broke up. Well, he was like can "can i ask you something?" and i was lyk "sure" and he said " do you think we shud break up?" and i askd him if he thought we should nd he was like "kinda, only bc we dont see each other" and that got me upset so i was jus lyk '''fine then." nd stopped texting him. Then i had to be at my school at 6am for our Springfield trip and we went on tour buses and the ride to Springfield was 3 hours long and the entire fieldtrip we were by each other! And i hated itt. And my friend carrie, was like "hows the divorce?" (she was bein a dork) and i was jus lyk "its going ok.." and she was lyk "he really liked you trust me, you guys just couldn't make it work" and at 7 we started heading back home and the bus ride seemed like it took forever and i was sitting lyk one seat down right from him and i fell asleep and when i woke up another kid was there and i checked my phone and he had texted me and the message said " you should come back here so we could talk because i really really like you i really want to make this work" and i looked back and he was sitting by himself with an empty seat next to him and it was already 10pm so if i replied it wudve been an hour late so i jus didnt reply and i was jus happy thinkin "yes, imma get my bf back tommorow" but the next day i found out this other girl asked him out nd he didnt wanna be bogus so he said yes and after school that day i txtd him askin about it and then we somehow got into this huge fight about who's fault it was the broke up and then a week later i was really missin him n i askd him if he were cool nd hes lyk yes. why wudnt we be ?? n im lyk well i was sorta mad at you nd then we started talkin and he said he was plannin on dumping the girl tht askd him out to get back with me but then the fight happened n i felt bad but yeah. then we were txtn as friends even tho i know i wanna be more than friends. Now its been like .... a month since we broke up and i found out his phone got disconnected so i dont really have contact with him and i feel like he's already moved on. but im still soo sad because none of it was ever supposed to happen! after we broke up we realized we missed each other and were so close to getting back together but i just had to fall asleep on the bus. and then all the crap happened but i still reallllyyyy like him nd even though we dont have contact... i still feel lyk we can make it work. So how do you think i can get him back without seemingg lyk desperate for him???

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