Friday, August 12, 2011

I am traveling by car to mexico with my family is it safe, especially the border?

My husband two children ages 4 and down and me are going to travel to mexico and we are planning to stay there for a couple of months, but recently i have been told not to go by car ( we have a 2002 white Cadillac Escalade) and my husband doesn't want to go by bus and airplane is out of the question because its too expensive and we wouldn't be allowed to take the amount of baggage that we are taking, its not too much but it is about a suitcase for each one basically he wants us to go comfortable with two kids and on the road it can be hard so we wanted to go as comfortable as possible and we also wanted to have our own transportation while we are there. My fear is that we might be attracting too much attention with our type of car i don't mean to brag at all honest! i just cant imagine i mean there are lots of people going to mexico with nice cars, I am just afraid of getting car jacked or robbed. we are leaving from Dallas TX to Guanajuato could some one please tell me about the borders and if i am in over my head, also i have heard that there are many people posing as soldiers or cops they pull you over or stop you and hurt you, rob you or worse kill you, what if we don't stop and they are real soldiers what happens, I also wanted to mention that neither me or my husband have traveled to mexico in about 6 years and lots of things change please please give me some advice all of it would be truly appreciated.Also just I wanted to mention we are traveling by day only. Thank you so much

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