Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Who's telling the truth and how do i get my friend to believe it?

ok my two best friends had a falling out. my friend C drove my friend D, E,and F to Es house. when they arrived at the house the story split into two Friend C says that Es parents were drunk had mooned them, Starting asking for ID, and harrassed Friend F becaue he had a speach inpendament, and picking on Friend Cs weight. Es dad pushed friend F into the car, and yelled at them to get off the property. Friend Es parents claims that Friends C,D, and F were drunk and that friend F had taken a swung at Es dad. Friend E saw this, but friend C says that he did it in self defense and that she was really scared after wards Friend C went to the police station to make a complaint but friend E claims no cops stopped at their house. WHo's telling the truth, and who is exagerating the truth. PLease help long time friendship is in jepardy!!!!

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