Tuesday, August 9, 2011

MIC and No insurance and on probation HELP?

So last night i got pulled over because my friends car had expired tags, after further checking the plates the cop said the registration has not been renewed, so he asked for insurance but my friends car did not have it either so i was ticketed for having no proof of insurance. then the cop asked me if i have been drinking and i said no he asked because he could smell alcohol which would be my friend, He then administered a field sobriety test as far as i know i passed all of them then it got to the breath-a-lizer and i blew a .01 so then i was also charged with my MIC (minor in consumption) they detained me until a family member came. To top it all off I am still on probation, but from a different county on which i got the tickets so i was wondering if anyone knew the possible consiquences/fines/juvie. BTW im 17

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