Thursday, August 4, 2011

I have no clue wat to do about her?

ok well i was with this girl for close to 3 years and i moved to fl so it became long distance and we broke up last summer BUT we still talked everyday and 24/7 we would even fall asleep on the phone together.she was my world and the very 1stgirl i ever fell in luv with. but on x-mas i found out that the summer we broke up she kissed another guy and b4 all this happened i remember one nite she randomly told me about this freshman @ her school she thought was hot then months later he kept being brought up but she told me they were just friends and even tho we werent together last summer we still said i love u to eachother and everythin so anyway during x-mas break i found out they kissed and for 4 nites straight i cried to her and told her how i felt about it and she told me that shes sorry and she doesnt wanna keep goin in circles and i dont understand bcuz we had a great relationship and we NEVER really fought and she always told me i made her happy she started to ignore me but b4 i kept beggin her she sai she still wanted to be friends and talk every night but she ignored me and so about a month or 2 later i looked on her fb (i deleted her from fb but her info is not private) and it said in a relationship then the 2 hours later she i guess she sent a relationship request to her new bf and its the same guy she kissed and everythin idk wat to do cuz i always think about her and she wonnt give me the time of day and when i txt her she gives me plain answers or one word answers and whe i ask to call her she goes nahh i have a gf now and i really like her but when im not ocupied with somethin i catch myself thinkin about her and missin her but i kno i cant get her back...wat should i do?

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