Friday, August 12, 2011

I am traveling by car to mexico with my family is it safe, especially the border?

My husband two children ages 4 and down and me are going to travel to mexico and we are planning to stay there for a couple of months, but recently i have been told not to go by car ( we have a 2002 white Cadillac Escalade) and my husband doesn't want to go by bus and airplane is out of the question because its too expensive and we wouldn't be allowed to take the amount of baggage that we are taking, its not too much but it is about a suitcase for each one basically he wants us to go comfortable with two kids and on the road it can be hard so we wanted to go as comfortable as possible and we also wanted to have our own transportation while we are there. My fear is that we might be attracting too much attention with our type of car i don't mean to brag at all honest! i just cant imagine i mean there are lots of people going to mexico with nice cars, I am just afraid of getting car jacked or robbed. we are leaving from Dallas TX to Guanajuato could some one please tell me about the borders and if i am in over my head, also i have heard that there are many people posing as soldiers or cops they pull you over or stop you and hurt you, rob you or worse kill you, what if we don't stop and they are real soldiers what happens, I also wanted to mention that neither me or my husband have traveled to mexico in about 6 years and lots of things change please please give me some advice all of it would be truly appreciated.Also just I wanted to mention we are traveling by day only. Thank you so much

Do i have a case against my ex-employer?

I quit my job a few weeks ago after working for a construction company in FL for 3 and a half years. the supervisor was harassing me for the 3rd time and I just could not take it any more so I told the Forman on the job that I quit. My question is do I have a case for something that happened while I was working there? I was told to drive a water truck to another city and water the grass that we have installed a few months prior. They had me go down there with a water meter that did not belong to that city and hook it up to a water hydrant by the job and get my water that way. Turns out the cops seen me and wrote me a ticket for petty theft of stealing water cause I did not have the correct water meter and it didn’t even work. Well I told my work what happened and they said give us the ticket and we will take care of it. So I did that, a moth later I get a letter in the mail for a warrant out for my arrest because never my work did nothing about it and never set up a court date so they assigned me one and I missed it. I new nothing about this. So the next day I went down to the courts and got the warrant lifted and got a new court date. went to court and they said if I paid the 500 fine then they would drop the case. After talking ...talking and talking... to my work I finally got them to pay the fine. But now my problem is this is showing up on my criminal background check... petty theft and that I had a warrant out for my arrest, apartment complexes are not letting me move in because it and now I cant find a place that will let me put a roof over my head. I have proof that a place has already denied me to live there because of that. All I was trying to do was my job that my work gave me... do I have a case?? Crooks. They still steal water from the city to this day! I did not want to speak out because of the fear of losing my job over it at the time. This is just one of the many laws that they have broken.

Freestyle lyrics honest opinions ... any talent?

For some reason when I think of lil wayne right above it and sing this its pretty good. I think you did a pretty good job, im also making a song too. But for love :/

What do u do when u miss some1 that u shouldnt, like an exs?

im missin my x, and its kinda bad bc im in a Relationship. i love my bf, um, so, should i, tell my bf, bc he can tell somethings wrong with me, and i just dont know what 2 do, should i call the x im missing, do i tell my bf im missing this guy ?????

Will Jack's reign be short lived on the Y&R?

I see poor Jack being on the outside again unless he can suck up to Tucker, remember even Ashley didn't want him to run Jabot. Also when Kay finds out what he did to Victor with the stocks. But, will Tucker want Newman's stock in exchange for Jack being CEO of Jabot?

How much does it cost to get an axel fixed on your car?

I got in a wreck last night and it was not that bad but the cop said it looked like the axel in my car that got hit i dont know anything about cars i just know my back drivers tire is bent it. I drive a volvo s60 its like a 2002 we usually get our cars fixed at places that are always a lot cheaper then what insurance does. Does anyone know about how much this will cost?

I want an older sister sooo bad.Can someone tell me if Im missin out?

From what my little sister tells me, she hates having an older sister... Maybe it's cause we can't stand each other most of the time.

Which type of uniform do you find the sexiest..............?

personally I love US cop or motorcycle leathers....Or of course the Fireman!!

If you were a teenage boy using drugs, where would you stash it in your moms house where she cant find it?

we were told my brother is using drugs so were are raiding his room looking for the drugs so that we dont get busted when the cops come. but where could he possibly have hiden it?

IN-N-OUT or anyother fast food joint?

if u havent been to a in n out then ur missin out. but if you have then what do u like better? ima say 4x4 animal style over the hole entire MCD menu

Did someone REALLY call the cops on me?

no fear, sir. as a minor, you can't get in trouble for purchasing alcohol. the heat would all be on the store and/or the guy that bought you the beer. basically, that guy couldn't have ratted you out considering he'd be in deeper sh*t than you would. my guess is that it was just a coincidence, if the cops wanted to bust someone, they would've.

Should i go back out with him or move on?

There's this guy and I went out with him for 2 months but we've been really on and off for the past year. We did "stuff" and then a week later treated me like ****. I got fed up and dumped him 3 weeks ago and then he goes and says he liked my best mate the whole time. Now he's saying he only said that coz he was peed with me and he really likes me. then i went away for a few days and came back to 20 tweet mentions saying "come back i'm missin you more than anything". I do kinda miss him but then again I don't care anymore and I want to move on. What shall i do? Ignore him and carry on or ask him back out?

Hey whats up with all the Lamar Odom questions?

Im mean like...I just came on here but dont be here like tht bcuz the season is wassup with him? Am i missin something?...or is it just tht dull here latley bcuz theres not much to tlk about?

Can anyone identify this door chain ?

i am lookin for the manufacturer of a door chain to source a spare part. The part on the door is curved in a tight u and has three holes in it. A triangular piece slots in the gap in the u. The triangular bit is missin. Can anyone tell me who makes them or where to get this chain?

Would becoming a police officer in Bedfordshire be a good career?

Becoming a police officer is a great career in any city. The training really isn't that hard if your in shape and know what your doing. As for the paper work... when your a rookie you will have a lot of paper work and if you kill/ shoot someone don't even mention it, but over all being a cop is an excellent career to get into. If you really love helping people and doing the right thing then go for it. They pay may not be the best out of all the jobs, but a job is something you should want because you love what you do. Not for the pay.

People get caught speeding for the wrong speed as radar clocked in.?

I was caught driving 50 mph on a 40 mph. I have just passed a traffic light, how can I get 50 mph right away? I was just few meters to where I was going? These highway patrol,cops or whatever you call them are so ridiculous. We cannot win against them. How can we asked a proof from them?

Once you're 18 can your parents call the cops on u cuz ur not home?

My mom threatened to call the cops if I didn't come home last night cuz I was at the beach with friends. Can the cops even do anything to me since I'm 18 but I do live with my parents but what would they do to me

I wanna die..Pls help me?

Ok I am not going to sugar coat this! You must feel so embarressed! But hun there is nothing you can do now, everyone is the same, I would try not to worry, he is a prick for putting them up but your true friends will always stick by you! Its not worth killing yourself trust me!

Should i be upset with her?

Your pal and your ex maybe had interest prior to your break up and now that you have broke up it was his get of jail to jump with your friend, sounds awfully suspicious that after you delete on facebook she jumped at the chance, you friends seems a bit of a cow tbh, and your ex seems a cold hearted bastard who just thinks with his dick (Shock horror, its in our male genes lol) Dont let it affect you and just get on with life, i am sure you will find a nicer bff and bf

Questions about keyboards and pianos?

It's missing a lot more than a couple of keys. A real piano has 88 keys. You probably won't have any problem doing hip hop songs but if you want to do some serious playing, you will want more keys, at least 76. Casio is not my favorite brand; I would get a Yamaha.

Mercenaries 2 Help pls help quick?

i am stuck on what to do next i have just finished a missin for the PLAV that requires u to kill a number of U.P. HVTs and cant find what to do next pls help

Have you guys heard this verse from the new R.A The Rugged Man single? I think it's dope.?

pealin', grillin, billin, i'm able and willin/ at the table they spillin pickles they fickle i steal a nickle/ im sick of the livin flippin chicken and slippin/in the piss they be missin but for real it's my mission/ this aint no restaurant, burger king sh*t/ arby's, that's a restaurant, this is just a corporate outlet/ soda fountain drownin', they ask me why i'm frownin/ i even use the deep fryer, but i still ain't inspired/

Is God� the greatest invention ever produced by mankind or what?

An interesting and provocative questions. One hopes that someday we abandon our old "inventions" in favor of our newer, better ones.

Would you say i have a little bit of potential?

STEADT ATENNA and you rhymed "somethin" with "somethin" you are , as the spanish say, terribl�

Your Opinion on the Casey Anthony Trial?

I don't think it will last more than a couple of weeks more. There is not much the defense can do at this point! I think she is guilty as they come! I want her to get the death penalty but I think part of the defense's plan is to prove that her dad molested her and that somehow made her "mentally unstable" that will get her off the death penalty.


We are nation of laws. You don't like the laws, become part of the process and change the laws. Whatever they are

Im a minor and lied to a cop. ?

Okay, it was about 8pm when me and my friends went to the park to wait for some more friends too go and sleep with at a friends house. While waiting we told our friend to flash a light at a helicopter. So she did & the helicopter happened to be a police helicopter & it told us to wait there while some cops would come to talk to us.& so all my friends and I were scared and the girl who shined the light into the helicopter was like "Lie, don't say it was us." So I felt if I didn't all my friends would be mad at me. So the cops came and we all lied and the officer asked me a lot of questions so that meant I had to continue to add on to the lie then he found out we lied cause the girl who did it confessed 30 minutes later so he issed me and her a court date. I'm really scared. I've never been to court before and I felt kind of forced to lie but either way I still lied. But what would my punish meant be & would they drop the case? I'm a minor btw.

Rate my rap please?!?

My opinion, and I'm not being sarcastic: that sounds like something Eminem would come up with. Good job, you're a great rapper (:

Driving while license suspended in state of Florida?

2 months ago I received a ticket for lack of proof of insurance (i had ins. just no proof w/ me). I paid the ticket at the clerk of court, was told my license would not be suspended and I was good to go. Few wks go by and I get pulled over for a blown headlight and the cop informs me that my license is suspended and gives me a $148 ticket. I call clerk of court (where I paid my ticket) they said it was the DMV that suspended it. So I call the DMV and was told that my license was suspended for not showing them proof of insurance (don't remember anyone telling me to do this) so I asked why I wasn't notified, they say that the DMV suspends the license and then mails out a notice (this makes no sense to me as there would obviously be a period where my license would be suspended without my knowledge). I give the DMV my insurance policy # and my license is reinstated. Also, the license was suspend on June 27 and I received the ticket on June 30th. What can i do to contest this ticket or should I even try? I do not want points on my license for this and have also been told that this could prevent me from getting some jobs.

Boss terminated after I asked to pay me?

I received job offer for summer internship (not payed), but the CEO told me that I will get a lot of "educational' experience, will be able to visit company's shows (fashion shows as it is PR company) and will get my transportation covered after 2 weeks trial period. I accepted job offer which involved me to return my airplane ticket back home for 700$, pay rent to stay in expensive New York city 3,000$ for entire summer and plus spend saved money for food, etc. I thought I would get plenty of experience and possibly work there as an employee in future. After 2 weeks they told me I fit their company and they are happy with me. But I was not happy as they did not provide me with training at all!!! and after 1 month of working there they still did not cover my transportation and when it was a fashion show which I wanted to attend they told me I am not allowed to! I asked the CEO when they are going to cover my transportation as I am already paying for everything. They said they will do it and next day they sent me termination notice stating "I am not a good fit for the company"! It drove me into tears and all the spending and investing so much money was in vain as I can't even put them in resume now or have references because I was "terminated". It is so unfair and was such a lie initially just to take advantage of me. Is here any case?

Did you hear the lame excuse RLC President Charlie Davis gave on why Obama impersonator's mic was cut off?

lmao. They hired an impersonator to tell racist jokes for their audience...who screamed at the guy like he was really Obama (watch the video)... and then he started mildly mocking them and they freaked out. They're so pathetic they can't take on an Obama IMPERSONATOR, let alone the real thing.

10 points for honest answer?

he is intrested in you.. get more thing abt him and get close to each other.. if he is nice man and u like him get him as partner.

What are some good majors for me?

I'm only 12 right now (I'll be in the 7th next year) but I have been wondering what I'll major when I grow up. I thought of maybe a pediatrician because I'm so good with kids but I don't know if I would truly enjoy it. I have also been considering advertising majors such as selling appliances or something. I have always seen myself as a big CEO or Something, Maybe even for an animation studio because of my love for a good family movie. But my true love, My true passion, is writing. Not just writing some boring old news article but I mean being an author an writing childrens novels and someday getting the Newberry Medal Award for one of them! I can picture one of my book series' on the New York Times best Seller List. This natural passion for reading and writing I have has really made me want to consider journalism. But I wouldn't want to be a TV Broadcaster or anything. Just an Author for children's novels. so what is a specific major that is specifically for authors of creative writing or something like that. Thank You!

How much time do we have until Obamacare converts the US into a post-apocalyptic wasteland?

Filled with roving gangs, mutated animals, death squads, murderous robots, disease, crazy doctors who have to do medical services but can't get a paycheck anymore and so they now murder people in order to make a living, CEOs having to resort to being muggers and gang leaders because they can't make money, death panels patrolling the heartland looking to do a little "end-of-life counseling" on whoever they come across, death, starvation, etc.?

Hows is my novel story?

GREAT! I'm writing a story sorta like this. I wish more people had your type of writing. Whatever you do, continue to write.

Wouldn't it be great if all Corporations were abolished and Trade Unions controlled everything?

It would be even greater if you'd stop to think about the fact that, over the past 80 years, Democrats have had complete control over the federal government several times -- during much of the 30s and 40s, during the 60s, late 70s, a brief period in the early 90s, and now -- and never has there been any law passed to abolish all corporations. So maybe your proposal is kind of radical, even to liberals?

How come so many people think Hispanics are poor, low-class, and uneducated?

I am so sick of that stereotype! Words cannot even beigin to fathom my empathy for it!!! I am a Hispanic male, 14. We've been living in the U.S. For 7 years now. My father is an orthodontist, he makes $365,000 a year. My mother is a homemaker. Currently, I am enrolled in a private school, I am in all AP classes with a 4.0 GPA. I'm not too big on sports, but that might change since I want something to look good on a college application (I am in tons of clubs, though). Even though I have lived here a short 7 years, I would consider myself almost a master of the English Language. I have been riveted by all that it has to offer and how the eloquence of one's words can clearly place their education and social position. I spend my free time immersing myself in literature. I can speak fluent English, French, and Spanish and am learning Latin. I love the works of authors like Shakespeare (he is my idol) and love to play chess, read, write, paint, and play the violin. i have been writing novels since I was 6 (the early ones were obviously in Spanish, I learned to write fairly good English after living here for a year) and am working on getting one published. To me, this seems proof enough that Hispanics can be smart and successful. My paternal grandfather is a CEO, making over 3 million a year. My maternal grandfather is a wealthy dentist in Colombia. My mother, while unemployed to care of the home, is certified to be a dentist and has her degree. I don't understand why so many people continue to think of us as wild, rocous people who are uncivilized brutes, because we are not. The city in Colombia that I come from has a district similar to the Upper east side in New York; South America isn't a jungle, it's full of vibrant cities. I don't understand why people tend to have such negative views of Hispanics.

What do I about my son being negative?

Let him be whatever he wants to be and you be there to support him. Sure its nice to try and impose your own beliefs on him, but let him have his own independence. He may be on to something..

About this guy comin back after 3 months?

iv been involved with a guy 22 months within them he went for 5months came back said he was depressed loads stuff goin on i was like ok then now hes gone missin 3 months and txt me saturday its only casual nothin serious only i really like him wich am shure he knows i txt bak who is this then i realised it was him just dont know why u acts like this better stil what 2 do any answers would be great thanks xx

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Please Help ! School is out and I'm missin him?

- Okay School just let out Yesterday And i'm missin my crush already. I dont see him outside school nor do we have each other number anymore . He goes to teen parties . I can go but I'm a little afraid to . What should i do? Sn: i miss us flirtin with eachother :)

Wanting to be more aggressive in life? Any advice.?

i have spent my whole life worried about everybody elses happiness and focusing on making that happen. I am now 28 and dont feel fullfilled in my everyday life. I would like to be more aggressive at attaining my dream job of being a cop and in my sexual relation with my girl. I am a passive person. Can you help me be more aggressive.

He's using me isn't he? What do I do?

I have a friend who is a guy: Ryan. I've been friends with him for 2 years, through put those years, he's had this on/off girlfriend: krissie. But 4 months ago, they broke up for good. He came crying to me about how heartbroken/ pissed off he was. I said: she's not worth it, you can do better, etc. Then, he told me he LIKED me! I'm thinking: "uh, I'm sure you just want another girlfriend or you want to make krissie jealous" he swore it was true ever since the day he's met me. I stupidly thought he was telling the truth and we went out for 2 months. Towards the end of our relationship, he told me (out of the blue) he wanted to lose his virginity. So I thought: 'why not?' and so we had sex. The day after, I was at his house and playing around with his phone. I scrolled through his contacts and saw: Krissie<33333 I was like: WTH?! so I told him about it and he said: oh my sister did that, I hate krissie, I really love you. I let it slide. That night, on facebook, (I'm friends with krissie on fb) her status was: 'I'm really missin' a certain some one and hope they miss me back ;) u know who u r by the wayy' Ryan's status was: 'hey I miss u and u know who u are too ;))' he doesn't know I'm friends with her!! Then he suddenly wanted to break up and he missed being just friends. and I was really pissed off! Guess who he got back with? 2 months later(which is now) he said: "I really miss you and I was so stupid for dumping you. Just saying, but maybe we could hang out at my place ;))" he's using me right? What do I tell him? I liked everything better when we were just friends. :/ Because I now feel like I'm just a back up plan whenever krissie dumps him.

Is it safe to say that Herman Cain has no chance at winning the nomination?

If a dope smokin wannabe muslim can be president then Herman Cain will win and be awarded a genuine prize of respect from people of the world instead of some dime store prize that comes with a treat. Cain has lost more experience and knowledge than Ostupid will ever possess. It is safe to say the your hump boy will loose.

My father showed up after 8 years, i dont know what to do, please help?

am so sory to here that and i hope all is well dont stress it cloud your thoughts. its a very good thing you didnt tell your mom this is not the time at all she might stress and have the baby early if i was you i would tell someone like your aunt uncle someone that is older aand close to you and your mom that knows your history because he could come back and start some really big problems and this time he might go to your house so its important to talk to someone close to you about this.God bless and dont stress yes its easy to say and hard to do but if you stress you can go crazi and thats not health! if you dont want him in your life dont call if your not sure give it some time and think about it he come looking for you because he love you but he did it the wrong way to quick and i can understand i have not seen my dad in 20yrs and i would be shock to see him but happy also think about it and do what you feel strong the most to do God bless and take care hope all works out xoxo

In the state of texas what is the LEGAL age to leave home?

well when i was living in louisiana my bf came and pickd me up when my parents wernt home they soon found i was gone with my bf after the cops located me they took me to the police station an returnd me to my parents at that time i was 15 now we have moved to texas were i am originaly from and i am 16 i will be 17 in january. i want to know if i can have my bf come and pick me up when im 17 an take me to live with him at the age of 17 in texas can my parents force the law to bring me back? i know in sum states they will pick u up 1 time an after u return home if u leave again they wont do any thing about it what are my options can i leave whe im 17 in texas?

What is the distribution of labor costs in fortune 500 companies?

The argument for reducing minimum wage and benefits for labor because they are detrimental to business is often made. But at the same time, the ratio of average CEO annual pay to average factory worker annual pay was 344:1 in 2007 according to research by United for a Fair Economy. By way of comparison, the same ratio was about 25:1 in Europe in 2007. So my question is, out of all the costs of wages, benefits, and bonuses within fortune 500 companies, how much of these costs were from payments to individuals making $250,000 a year or more before taxes (including wages, healthcare, retirement, bonuses, etc.)?

Is there any way to end the corrupt relationship that our government has with corporations and banks?

Pass a law stating that corporations are not 'persons' so it would nullify the Citizens United decision of the Supreme Court. Pass laws restricting lobbyists. Pass laws restricting monies that corporations can give to politicians. Make politicians live under the same laws that they pass for the rest of the American people. Get rid of the two tier judicial system, where if you are rich you get slapped on the wrist for any crime you commit. Make CEOs financially and criminally libel for any crime their corporation commits.

English Help! cop out?

i think it means skip something, or ditch. like sneak out of the show you're at or skip a class to smoke.

Roommate is smoking marijuana with her friends in our unit. What should I do?

I can't stand the smell and don't feel comfortable that drugs are being used in my apartment. I only met her once. I told one of her friends that I couldn't have people smoking marijuana in my apartment. I feel bad about possibly having to call the cops on her, but I feel like I have a right since they are doing something illegal where I have to live. I work with law enforcement too, so if there is anything left in the living room and the police know, I could get the blame.

I was using this girls car to escape from police but I got carjacked?? HELP!?

You need to write a book or something ,, thats terrible , there really isnt much u can do except mabey try and find janes car

Girls only! whaat should i do?!?

so theres this guy and we text alot and whenever we see each other at school we talk, and lately we've bin trying to hang out on weekends and stuff. We always flirt and joke around and make nicknames for each other and ALWAYS stay up late talking to each other. But neither of us has said anything about our feelings. i dont know if i should ask him or not! :s im scared that if i say anything it'll make it awkward if he doesnt feel the same. but im also scared that maybe he does like me and if i dont say somethin then ill be missin out on somethin great!! help please :) soo confused and dont know what to do.

Can u help me please... quite urgent?

You might get better and more answers if you post in the Women's health sections. This is words and wordplay.

Strong business and engineering interest?

I'm about to stay college and have strong interest in engineering and business. My goal us to someday be the ceo of a major engineering firm. I want to have the knowledge to run the company but still know what they are doing in the field. Most major companies have all types of engineering. If I had to choose one for a career I'd say petroleum. What should I do? Just engineering as bachelors then to mba?

Is this a cute phone signature?

Well i lyke thiz guy nd he left 4 awhile soo i put ~MissinU~ but then i switched 2 ~MissinYou<3 or should i put ~MissinYou~ or any other cute ideas for missin him or any after and my nickname is minniemouse

Has the economic recovery so far been a jobless recovery?

My economics professor said in class lecture that it is very possible to have an economic recovery with zero job growth and increasing unemployment. He said the GDP can still increase even when jobs are scarce or non-existent because very large corporate earnings can over-shadow the financial struggles of the ordinary man. And ofcourse the very large corporate earnings exist because the companies maybe getting business from overseas or maybe saving costs and expenses by outsourcing. As a result the CEO's and ultra rich keep getting wealthier while the poor man keep getting poorer. And most of the financial activity is controlled by the handful of big executives and big companies. So it totally masks the financial sufferings of ordinary man. With real unemployment at around 17% (that is U6 unemployment), is it possible that this is a jobless recovery?

How does someone become a famous, successful (wealthy) business women or man?

Such as Donald Trump, Audrina Patridge, CEO of such buissnesses of google, apple, etc. On what path and what steps do these such people take in becoming so successful?

RHH: Rate/Hate my latest verse?

Hey, MC Mastermind never sent in his verse against Backpack so the battle fell apart. I feel bad though because he wrote two verses and didn't get to use either of them. Would you mind facing him one on one?


There is this movie with harrison ford in it and i need the name of that movie????? Its is about two bad cops (cant member their names) that endup murdering a man, or a woman,(cant member) and then try to accuse a man (HARRISON FORD) for the murder. In that movie i think HARRISON FORD is an alcoholic and a bumb. ALSO can somone help me with the name of that movie please??? or does anyone know of a web site that i can acually type in a discription like i did here, to help me find the titel of a movie???thank you

What is the salary of a ceo?

depends on the company, industry, country, etc. US CEOs range from a few hundred k for very small companies to millions per year.

What finance intern can do in a start-up that has no sale yet?

Get advice from your professor. I've seen CEOs like this. I'm not certain he's ready to admit that he needs help.

Why does Obama use class warfare to prove his points?

He does not. Stop spreading this lie. Returning to reasonable tax rates for the wealthy such as the top tax rates that we had under Clinton is NOT class warfare. The rich were still rich. Pay attention to reality and less to ad hominem attacks and repeating right-wing talking points.

I am in trouble. Someone please help me?

It sounds like he likes you. Really it does. um i don't know what else to say. If you like him back then go on dates with him and if you don't like him back then maybe leave him hints that he should back off...... wait how old is he??

Why is Clinton considered a bad president?

He was a great president. Had to deal with the aftermath of Reagan's "reaganomics" and "trickle down" B.S. and did a great job!

Would you say these lyrics are great, good, ok, bad, or other?

great lyric especially the rhyme i write lyrics myself and let me tell u something u got skill keep up the good work

Do all cops eat doughnuts?

And are they lazy and cuss a lot. I don't understand it really I would not to be a cop as I would be going to the trouble and the job loots stressful. I support cops I know there is good a bad ones. Why do most get a bad name?

Establishment of Royal Lakshya Group?

You clearly haven't figured out how to separate paragraphs...that's a whole, boring UNRELATED TO ROYALTY article about...well...NOT ROYALTY.

My boyfriend has trust issues :( Help?

I love my boyfriend so much ... but he has really bad trust issues and i fear that they may drive us appart ! wer in a long distance relationship at the moment but within the next month we should be together, if all goes well. I no being in a long distance relationhip doesnt help but wenever trust is the topic i tell him everytime that i dont want or need anyone else. Sometimes it dries our conversation up and i just wish he could trust me! He knows he has trust issues due to previous relationships but it really hurts that he doesnt trust the one person in his life that will not hurt him ! When we are together i ***** b happier and it feels like a part of me is missin when im not with him. I just want to gain his trust in whichever way i can, i just want some advice and what to do what to say to him ? because its really bringing me down.

Can you sue someone for false accusations?

My friend and I were at the mall and he was trading pants with one of his friends in the bathroom. I guess a security cop saw that and he's not aloud to go back to that mall, and even had the cops go to his house. Can he sue the security for a false accusation? He was in the bathroom and they claimed he was in the hall.

Do feminists expect equality of outcomes?

I think feminists think women are superior, not equal. Which is why I don't support them. If they wated to have equal social rights, I'd TOTALLY be on their side

Your opinion of Republicans wanting to Privatize Social Security?

If it is privatized the government contributions to it will slowly be taken away until seniors are left to pay all their retirement or left on the side of the road to die if they have no family to take them in.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Can a character study work if the main character isn't very likeable?

Like you may not particularily want to root for him. he is controversial and he may have a couple screws missin. if this person existed in real life you may not want to spend much time with him from fear of association. but through his journey i feel an important message is conveyed. its a screenplay by the way. and for the whole movie your pretty much stuck with him the whole way through. you think it can it work? thx

Cop Claims Refusal of DUI Case Can I prove with the First Report That i gave a Urine?

I have it printed out in black and white that i took a urine for DUI which was sent off for testing. officer says refusal a month later. What possibly happened please tell me Cops ? How can you change sending off a speciman to not taking one at all. How will this look in court ? Can they dismiss this due to his loss of evidence or make him look ridiculous in trial.

Someone SHot my Bird, What do i do?

I always leave my pet birds out of the cage for a few hours and they always come back, but two days back as the flew someone shot one of them from the woods and i lost my baby bird, i dont know what to do? i am missin her so much. may that a*****e burn in hell!

How to makes things ok btwn us?

me n my boyfrend didnt get time to meet on valentines day.the whole day we both were busy with our own work.we did speak over phn fr 5-10 mints in the morning and the evening whn i called him up after getting free frm my work, he was busy playin games with his frend.he wanted to hang up and said he'll b callin up within nxt 10 mints.i ***** tolerate him being busy playing games n not talkin to me.i know i cud hav wait,but purposely didnt let him play nemore at that time.he hung up aftr 20mints whn he undrstood im talkin **** purposely to spoil his game.n aftr dat we dint speak to each othr.i knw its my fault,bt my ego is stoppin me to cl hm up n say sorry.shud i wait fr hs cl?im missin hm badly.

How can i get my bf backk?

I am only 13 but me and my bf were going out and we were soo happy but the thing is , we were in different homerooms, classes, and live in different neighborhoods. we are in middle school and he is also 13. Then, the day before we had our fieldtrip to Springfield we broke up. Well, he was like can "can i ask you something?" and i was lyk "sure" and he said " do you think we shud break up?" and i askd him if he thought we should nd he was like "kinda, only bc we dont see each other" and that got me upset so i was jus lyk '''fine then." nd stopped texting him. Then i had to be at my school at 6am for our Springfield trip and we went on tour buses and the ride to Springfield was 3 hours long and the entire fieldtrip we were by each other! And i hated itt. And my friend carrie, was like "hows the divorce?" (she was bein a dork) and i was jus lyk "its going ok.." and she was lyk "he really liked you trust me, you guys just couldn't make it work" and at 7 we started heading back home and the bus ride seemed like it took forever and i was sitting lyk one seat down right from him and i fell asleep and when i woke up another kid was there and i checked my phone and he had texted me and the message said " you should come back here so we could talk because i really really like you i really want to make this work" and i looked back and he was sitting by himself with an empty seat next to him and it was already 10pm so if i replied it wudve been an hour late so i jus didnt reply and i was jus happy thinkin "yes, imma get my bf back tommorow" but the next day i found out this other girl asked him out nd he didnt wanna be bogus so he said yes and after school that day i txtd him askin about it and then we somehow got into this huge fight about who's fault it was the broke up and then a week later i was really missin him n i askd him if he were cool nd hes lyk yes. why wudnt we be ?? n im lyk well i was sorta mad at you nd then we started talkin and he said he was plannin on dumping the girl tht askd him out to get back with me but then the fight happened n i felt bad but yeah. then we were txtn as friends even tho i know i wanna be more than friends. Now its been like .... a month since we broke up and i found out his phone got disconnected so i dont really have contact with him and i feel like he's already moved on. but im still soo sad because none of it was ever supposed to happen! after we broke up we realized we missed each other and were so close to getting back together but i just had to fall asleep on the bus. and then all the crap happened but i still reallllyyyy like him nd even though we dont have contact... i still feel lyk we can make it work. So how do you think i can get him back without seemingg lyk desperate for him???

My friend was raped..........?

okay so here's the story. she was 15, the guy was 18. she told him she was scared & wasnt ready, blah blah blah, but he kept pushing. after it happened, we called the cops. they took his sheets & her clothes for evidence. its been about 4 weeks & still no word from the cops. we said we wanted to press charges. but they arents doing anything. & the dudes gonna be leaving soon to go off to college. we live in california, so im not sure if the state laws have some factor in why nothings happening? all i want to know, is what we should do to get justice. to speed up the process with the cops, because at this point, it looks like they arent going to do anything about it. help?

Does Anyone Know When Kelly Clarkson's Next Single Is Coming Out?

All I've heard is July because of the new CEO at RCA, but there still seems to not be much info at all about when the single is dropping. Like we don't know what it is (I expect Let Me Down) or if a music video has been recorded. She has been doing this album for so long now, I'm craving some of her new music, so if anyone knows it would be very much appreciated :) thanks.

When will we ever have a president who holds Wall Street accountable for their reckless actions?

It seems most of the mainstream politicians are bought out by corrupt Wall Street criminals and billion-dollar corporate CEO's. What do you think it would take to elect someone who would hold these people accountable for the mess they've caused, rather than giving in to their every demand?


In Windows Explorer, go to main menu, and click Tools, Folder options, View, click to check "Show hidden files, folders and drives", click "Apply to folders" (or "Make all like this folder" in XP), then ok. Good luck!


In short, yes. The first thing to do is contact them and try to work out a deal. If things are left as they are a warrant can be sought and a bailiff will turn up with a warrant to change your meter to a 'pay as you go' one (even if your out, they will bring along a locksmith). I would also advise you to talk to a debt adviser.

OLDER MAN..................?

So I met this guy at the bar. I admit, he is a bit on the wealthy side, and he is out of my race as well, but I can careless about it because I like men in general! Also, the fact that he has money is flattering but it doesn't matter to me either. Any who, I'm a bit skeptical about him and his intentions. I'm 21, mixed African American nursing student/model and he is a 35 year old CEO Caucasian Jew. When we talk he pays attention to my every detail, from how I smile, to my laugh, and my over all funny, down to earth personality! I told him, the day I met him that i was celibate and that I have been for 6 months and I won't break that for anything or anyone because I respect myself and the next guy I have sex with will be a guy who accepts me for me HANDS DOWN. He seemed to respect that... Or so I thought.. We went out recently, and I dressed to the 9's that day... He couldn't keep his eyes off of me. We kissed, which Is fine but then he got touchy touchy., I had to tell him SEVERAL times that I'm NOT that kind of girl and didn't want to do anything sexual with him but he couldn't help but keep his hands on me.... He finally stopped and took me home. before i got out of the car, he felt and looked bad and embarrassed and he apologized and told me that I really am not that kind of girl, and that i wasn't a whore because an average girl would of had sex with him and received a shopping spree and money in return, but I'm not because i don't care about that! I RESPECT myself.... he finally got that fact that I wasn't like that. He also said I'm an honest and genuine girl looking for a sweet guy to accept me and cherish me.. To be honest, i can get whatever man I desire and many of then offer to buy me things and take care of me financially but I refuse! and he knows this too. Any who, after that day he still hit me up on my phone to the next day to conversate but i was skeptical of him so i didn't really say much to him. He even called me "babe" when he texted me. Not only that but he makes it a point to keep me updated on what he's doing, and not only that but he takes pictures and send the to me. I think that's pretty sweet! being that he is a really busy man but he always make time for me to say, "good morning", and check up on me.So my question here is what are his intentions?!?? I'm afraid that I might actually like him... I like the fact that he pays ALOT of attention to me and he even wrote down the things that I like, my favorite color, what I like to do, ect. He even checked my cell phone to see what guy I was talking to, 3 times!! I don't approve of it and I always snatch my phone back but he checks my messages to see who I'm talking to.. Any advice???

Read some texts and tell me what you think! thats all! I will choose best answers =] smart people only =]?

she prob does like, u should ask her to hangout with her or something, see where it goes. u never know. gd luck

Why would she like him so much?

Ok so my best friend really likes this guy but i have no idea why? She crys about him all the time and cuts his name into her arm....she lies down and sobs about him....but i dnt know why she is so in love with him? He kinda hates her.....they arent close....he says stuff behind her back....he is rude....he makes raisest kinda mean to people.......i am kinda his friend so i get why she likes him i like him to as a friend but she is just obsessed and i have no clue why....i have never been in love real maybe i'm missin something but.....i just am seeing if any of you know? should i say anything or???

Why Does Fox News always try to Demonize low income people who receive govt entitlements?

For the most part fox sees those people as democratic supporters, therefore, they aren't entitled to the rights of illegal search/seizure. Can you imagine the cost of the testing alone? It's just more right wing fear mongering/senseless waste.

Did i do right to call the cops on my dad?

He cheated on my mom and my mom told him to get out but he takes it as a joke,3 years ago he hit my mom,i was 13 at the time,so i stepped in to protect her so him and me startd to throw punches at each other and fightin...he always tries to starts a arguement with me,he never is around us last time i remembered him bein with us a whole week was wen i was 5,im 16 now...hes a good dad wen he wants to be...he likes to drink and wen he gets drunk he likes to get violent bt he manages to control himself...we really dont want him in the house....tonight while i was in the livin room he hit my sister n he tried to hit my mom so i called the cops because i was tired of him,wen i told my mom about it he came back n told me what did yu say i told him i called the cops and he grabbed me in a chokehold bt my mom stepped in so he let me go n i just went outside to wait for the cop...i really dont feel bad callin the cops on him i just did it to protect my sister and my mom i really dont care if he hits me i mean i can take a hit but my mom n sis did i did right to call the cops? I mean i didnt wana disrepect him n fight him after all his still my dad...but the main question i wana answer is,is it a sin to call the cops on my dad?

Y&R-Do you think Tucker will forgive Kay for...?

What she's done to his company, selling Jabot to Victor and making Jack CEO and also for the way she treated Ashley & Sophia while he was in a coma?

Car accident question who's at fault?

Just tell his insurance that you had the right of way, and their client hit you, making him at fault. He made a left when the way was not clear to do so, making him obviously at fault. If they continue to argue with you, ask your own insurance company for advice as to your next step.

Why is the world full of idiots?

I find it annoying how so many people act idiotic. A white dude gets arrested for assault and was tased. So how come the black guy gets tased for attacking an officer in the same way and for dome reason it's police brutality and racist? But it's not just getting arrested. Remember the Kmart card that had to be taken down because it said black holes in it? That was because some group decided everyone hates them so it obviously must be a verbal attack referencing black women to w****s. I'm sure you remember the officer who punched a teen in the face because she grabbed the officer and pushed him away. So now a police officer can't use self defense to protect himself and others in classifiable battery or to use the quickest and easiest way to stop assault, obstruction of justice, and a possible attempt at escape? Now remember this has nothing to do with race. Why does everyone jump to say it's police brutality? The girl probably just got s nasty bruise. I don't know this for sure but that seems to be the worst that might have happened. This also cause huge flame wars over people saying officer abuse power and do whatever they want to inflict pain. which isn't true in any way. Sure maybe a couple idiot accidentally made it through but that dosent mean all of them just want to hurt you. I bet the people saying this have an experience close to what you see idiots do on cops. These might not be awesome examples and I might have communicated the wrong message. I'm not racist. I'm not trying to stereotype any one. I just feel it's ridiculous that people jump to conclusions without imagining every possibility. Put your self in the officers shoes. Your trying to arrest one person in an escalating "temper tantrum" in a crowd of people you don't know. Any one of them could try to help there BFF and hurt you or others. Your grabbed and thrown back by some you don't know who is yelling. What's your first instinct? Protect yourself. Please post your opinions on my rant.

I feel terrible about my breakup with my Bf yesterday ?

I broke up with my Bf yesterday n I feel terrible I did it for what I thought was rite.he says he still wants to be wit me he loves me n he thinks we need a break. He's changed so much!!! Today n school was weird n He actin like he doesn't care..I'm so depressed rite now n don't wanna cry n class.I feel so alone.I'm missin him like crazy. I'm just getting to eighth period n he gave me hug told me he liked my shoes asked me what was wrong n did I eat .like hmmm idk if he fronting n front of his friends or what but he making me think he never cared. I texted him a little earlier rite before lunch ..n texted back but now that I text him during lunch n ask if he wants to chill second Half with me or just meet me at the locker after 8th period ..he never replied ..he told me we had a sub cuz he has the same class as me for seventh period n I got the class eighth I know damn well he could of texted me back. Since he's changed he even liked a girls picture on facebook .he never did anything that has to do with a female n just that tiny like comment got to me.I'm like all sad frustrated stressed n sad all at once.I mean I've Ben trying to talk to him all day but he seems to be refusing my Bf careless at this point or is he fronting ??

As a Bull Fan I would like to say?

Well said. The Bulls are turning into a MUCH better team than they have been for the last decade. Next year they'll hopefully have some better players to help Rose, then the rest of the NBA better watch out!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

PLEASE READ, IM 14 and Feel so alone and DEPRESSED!?

I think from reading your post, you're the smart one for not doing all those things. Be yourself and don't ever start doing those things just to fit in. I think you should feel really good about yourself for not putting yourself in that situation and acting like an idiot. Everyone in your high school who is acting that way will regret it later and realize that it was all a dumb mistake, believe me. I wish you luck

Can an off duty cop give me a ticket for being on the phone?

Hell no they cant. like the other guy said they can call an On duty cop but you could fight that ticket. cops sometimes try to abuse their authority, dont let them. i had an off duty cop cut me off once and when we got next to each other i said you need to watch where you are going and when he said he was a cop i saw that he was in his personal vehichle ( i knew it was personal because it had a regestration sticker on it and all cop cars in texas are tax exempt so they dont have one) i gave him the finger told him to **** off and learn to drive and drove off. i respect cops but i know the can and cant do for them so when they do **** like that it pisses me off

I work in downtown Chicago and need business formal clothes - where can I find them?

I just got a job as executive secretary for a CEO downtown and have been looking everywhere for nice suits and dresses that are affordable. Macy's, Kohls, Carsons, Penney's, Burlington Coat factory, Marshalls and H & M have very little. Even nicer stores like Anne Klein don't have much to choose from. Where can I find a decent selection of career suits and dresses?

Movie with 3 busty woman... cop and indian and ?

There was a kid I watched as a kid when I wasn't supposed to. I remember it had 3 very busty women in it was a cop I think? One was supposed to be a native american woman, she wore an all white outfit. I remember her getting into a "fight" with a large snake. I am bot sure what the other woman was supposed to be but I think they were fighting a wizard of some sort. I was a typical B movie from back in the day. Thanks in advance

Do you think students in All-BIack schools do better when all the teachers are BIack?

Not me, but I had friends that were like, "why we learnin this?", "what this got to do with me?", but I think if BIack schools had mostly black teachers than the teachers could connect with the students on a better level and be the missin link between the curriculum and the relevance of it to their life

Any advice on how to become well off? Money wise.?

Study really hard. Try to get into law, or try to get yourself elected somewhere, I mean try being a politician.

Who's telling the truth and how do i get my friend to believe it?

ok my two best friends had a falling out. my friend C drove my friend D, E,and F to Es house. when they arrived at the house the story split into two Friend C says that Es parents were drunk had mooned them, Starting asking for ID, and harrassed Friend F becaue he had a speach inpendament, and picking on Friend Cs weight. Es dad pushed friend F into the car, and yelled at them to get off the property. Friend Es parents claims that Friends C,D, and F were drunk and that friend F had taken a swung at Es dad. Friend E saw this, but friend C says that he did it in self defense and that she was really scared after wards Friend C went to the police station to make a complaint but friend E claims no cops stopped at their house. WHo's telling the truth, and who is exagerating the truth. PLease help long time friendship is in jepardy!!!!


There is this movie with harrison ford in it and i need the name of that movie????? Its is about two bad cops (cant member their names) that endup murdering a man, or a woman,(cant member) and then try to accuse a man (HARRISON FORD) for the murder. In that movie i think HARRISON FORD is an alcoholic and a bumb. ALSO can somone help me with the name of that movie please??? or does anyone know of a web site that i can acually type in a discription like i did here, to help me find the titel of a movie???thank you

15-16 year old guys... !?

Have you ever truly had feelings for a girl, but didn't ask her out, because your other friends most likely wouldn't 'approve' of you dating her? Even though you have so much in common with her, and you are always laughing together, and would have such a playful, fun relationship, and you both know you would be great as a couple, because your so comfortable around eachother? But because she wasn't 'easy', and didn't have size D's, or didn't wear v-necks shirts, and short shorts? Even though thats why you had feelings for her, and respected her so much? It sucks that it has to be that way, but people do care what other people think. As much as we don't want to, we care. Right? Or am i missin' the big picture? Help me out boys!

Why is there a glass ceiling, but no glass floor?

Why is that people say that fewer women than men are at the top because of the glass ceiling but nobody ever says that fewer women than men are at the bottom because of a glass floor. After all, if the glass ceiling is preventing women from becoming CEOs and other high positions, then isn't a glass floor preventing women from dropping out of school, from being unemployed, and from becoming criminals?

Boyfriend advice please?!?

Hello: just had a question> I have been going with my boyfriend for 6 months and when I first met lhim i thought he was divorced. then after a couple of months i found out he was only separated. I broke off with him for about a week because his ex girlfriend was at his house when I came over un announced. He says to this day that he is just friends with her. I don't beleive in that. If you broke off with your ex, then why still be friends. He doesn not have any kids with her, so WTF. But my question is really that he always wants me to remind him to get dicvorced. he wants me to pressure him, etc, so he says. My thing is why do I have to do this? Is ths just a cop out? What does the community say on this?

MIC and No insurance and on probation HELP?

So last night i got pulled over because my friends car had expired tags, after further checking the plates the cop said the registration has not been renewed, so he asked for insurance but my friends car did not have it either so i was ticketed for having no proof of insurance. then the cop asked me if i have been drinking and i said no he asked because he could smell alcohol which would be my friend, He then administered a field sobriety test as far as i know i passed all of them then it got to the breath-a-lizer and i blew a .01 so then i was also charged with my MIC (minor in consumption) they detained me until a family member came. To top it all off I am still on probation, but from a different county on which i got the tickets so i was wondering if anyone knew the possible consiquences/fines/juvie. BTW im 17

Your morals/values versus someone who loves you. Which would you choose (long)?

I would not care about their beliefs. If they love me and i really love them back nothing should stand in the way...

Help i want my GF back!!!?

Tell her you miss her and see how she responds. This has happened for a reason, to make you realise how much you really like her. If she's texting you regularly she clearly still likes you, so take her out, and tell her how you feel and start afresh.

How many dollars are involved in international adoption agencies?

I could always find this out through looking through tax records. Does anyone know of a site or service which summarizes this. How much are their CEOs compensated? I am helping with the writing of a book and I need some leads ASAP. Thanks!

What should I name the hot cop in my story?

I'm writing a rookie cop/ teenage delinquent romance, and I need a nice name for the Male rookie. The female character is called Rocky (Raquel) Douglas. I also need a description. The cop had blue eyes and jet black hair, white. The female character is white and part latino. I was thinking brown eyes and light brown, curly hair. What do you think?

I legally don't have to let the cops in my house, right?

My mom went to the cops to come talk to me to tell me to calm down and everything because I've been off my meds for a while. And he said hes gonna come back Tuesday to check on everything. I'm willing to talk to him outside, but I'm not letting him in. He's not allowed to come in without my permission WITHOUT a warrant, right? And my mom wont' be here when hes coming, which is why I'm asking. I've seen so many cops abuse their power, and I just wanna know my rights.

Herman Cain was a Federal Reserve Chairman, would you really vote for him?

He not only was a Fed chairman and didn't think we should audit the FED. So he didn't think taxpayers should know about us bailing out foreign banks, giving the wives of wall street CEOs millions for no apparent reason, or giving a Libyan controlled bank in Bahrain $53 Billion just before we go to war with them. Would conservatives really vote for this guy?

In need of some romantic songs?

Okay my hubby left March 1st for basic!! he comes back the beginning of July and I cannot wait I am missin him so bad.. I am makin a CD of some of the songs we have for each other I know kinda corny but I think its sweet.. I need some good songs to add to it.. I would like recent songs but good songs.. I listen to mostly rock like Theory of a deadman and staid and that stuff but I can handle some country.. thanks

A new debate...Who should bear the cost of DRS which has been made mandatory in all the internationals....?

Indians claim to have all the money. Perhaps they should throw some millions to improve the technology that they so distrust.

Why isnt my css border covering my links?

dont go to her site. it contains a trace network tool. which will snoop up your cookies and steal the passwords.

After college and Grad school, i want to start my company, but i was wondering how i can turn a regular?

company into a "corporate giant" in my life time? I aspire to become a CEO of a corporation, preferably a corporation that i start. How would i go about turning a company into a big corporation?

Why can't people see the light in my presidential policies?

I mean really who needs congressional authority to start a war. So what if I want to stomp on the constitution. I want to grant more illegals the vote so I can stay in office. I really like the perks I get. Plus I like the white house to be black for a little while. Why don't people like me doing the bailout and giving ceo's millions and giving other countries billions that don't even like us. Israel is no good because the palistines really do deserve their land back. They don't want to hurt the jews because they are peaceful. So my question why can't people see the light?

Do certain cops on here sometimes wish the violation button worked faster?

Not sure how to answer your question since only those 'cops' you are referring to can possibly answer. However, I'm guessing that what you are really talking about would be a TROLL button. Interesting question for sure. Why do you ask? Are you somewhat nervous?

America sucks, isn't Europe better?

How's the EU working out for them? Right, it's turned countries into something they don't want to be and they all hate each other.

I am a activist my email delivery is stolen meaning the text disappears after I send it?

Calm down. Everything is fine. You're friends and allies are all perfectly well and still human. There is no need to ask questions.

Is it right or wrong to feel this way ? Wht shud i do about it anyway :(?

Its not wrong to feel that way. That would bug me too, like alot. But i really think you should talk to him about it. If he gets mad, then thats pretty stupid cause he would be getting mad cause of your feelings, so are you sure you wanna be with someone like that?. And your sister should know that this bugs you, your sister should find her owns friends to talk you and leave your boyfriend alone. I wouldnt tell her how you feel cause she might tell him then he might get angery cause you didnt tell him yourself and think your hinding feelings from him. And if they you do tell him and he continues to talk about stuff with your sister i would say end it with him cause he obsously dosnent care about your feelings.

Why are Christians like this?

he's saying you stole his rifle, and he wants it back because you and your friends worship the devil. he wants the rifle back or he can't have sex with his sister. WTF!!!!

Interpret my dream plz?

So last night I had a dream that I was at a liquor store shopping on my way to a friends party, and one of my friends call me and there like hey don't go to that party bcuz something bad is gonna happen. And I kept asking my friend what was gonna happen and she wouldn't answer she just kept saying not to go. So I went anyway and there were some people there who didnt like me and they drugged me and locked me away. I remember screaming for help and my dream skipped a few scenes to where the cops came, and then I woke up. My Heart was beating super fast and i was so freaked out because I had no idea why I dreamt of them. Then today my close friend called and invited me to a party. It was his party I was going to in the dream, and the girl who was warning me will be there. This is so strange and ironic. Does it mean I shouldn't go?

Monday, August 8, 2011

How to you know if its right to stay with someone or leave?! help me please?!?!?

ive been on and off with this guy for two years. Hes kind of a loser and i dont trust him. Yet i cant get away from him im so scared of breaking things up again, yet im even more scared to stay. He has a drinkin problem and I do too but i was better wen i wasnt with him focused more... latley ive been drinkin again with him and missin class (college student) all he does diliver pizza as a living. Im scared to be alone im scared my family hates him they dont kno im tlkin to him again ...please any advice would be great

Rate these lyrics please?

Really good, but you repeated girl a lot in the second paragraph or verse, and also it sorta lost meaning in that one to, the rhymes where a bit off but the rest is real nice

Do you think he's telling the truth about why he was arrested?

i was waiting down the street for my friend w/ benefits when i guess he got caught crossing the train tracks. the cops found me and called me over; they told me that he has "drugs" on him and that he's staying with them. they had him handcuffed and sitting on the ground so it seemed pretty serious to me. he told me later that night that he was just in trouble for crossing the tracks. do you think that's the truth? and why would he lie to me if he really did have drugs on him? thank you! we're both 16 by the way and we've been hooking up for 2 years.

I like him n i dont no if he like me now :/ help please?

wel thn i went out with this lad we have always been keep on going out n breakin up thn 1 day he dumped me n i was alright bout it but was a bit upset n thn he asked me bk out a couple of days later n i sed no cuz i dont wana keep on doin this n now i am reali missin him n i wanna go bk out but he wont talk to me has he gone of me ? please help :/

What do you think about cops who are homosexual?

I live near San Francisco. SFPD has many homosexual police officers. I don't think of them any differently than heterosexual ones.

How can I keep my text messages that I send and receive on my iPod touch private?

I bought the iPod Touch 4th Generation yesterday through Amazon and I will receive it in about a week. I bought it so that I can text my boyfriend without my parents knowing because they have blocked his number from my Verizon cell phone and they have "forbidden" me to speak to him or have any contact with him or else they'll get the cops involved. All I want is to be able to text my boyfriend without them knowing. I've done lots of research and I heard they can view my texts and picture messaging online. But is there any way I can somehow block that? My step mom is Very tech savvy, her dad builds computers. My parents are very Strict and they watch my every move, literally. Please help if you know anything. This is really important to me and I would almost say I'm desperate to privately text him. :|

If your a cop and dont get tazed, then what do u carry?

A big night stick, oddly I didn't have to get beat with it to carry it. Boris is correct not all dept's require you to get tazed, much in the way we don't have to get shot to carry a gun.

Why do we devalue blue collar jobs?

People in the United States tend to look down on blue collar jobs despite the fact that they are necessary. For example if the county,state, city groundskeepers didn't mow the lawn and trim shrubbery the roads would be so overgrown no one would be able to use them. Also if their where no Custodians your place of work and your children's school would be so unsanitary it would be hazardous to your health to be in the buildings. Yet we continue to put people down who do these jobs. We also consider people who provide these services overpaid but think its fine that CEO's who don't provide a hell of alot to the general public deserve to make tens of millions. Why?

This is getting weird.?

I always have a mat outside my door so that we can clean our feet before entering the hse. Since yst our mat has gone missing and one of my mom shoes was missing too! We suspect it was a cat because they were traces of cat's poo just 2 metres from the mat. And this morning went missin too! It couldnt be a person because our gate is locked and there is NO way a person could hv entered. Its weird because in e morning we try to search within e proximity bt no no avail. Could the cat be so naughty?? Or could it be revengful cos my dad chased a cat away a few days ago by spraying water at it because it just refused to go away no matter what we did!

Why is it i can only find losers interested in datin me or just wanna have sex with me?

im not the prettiest or the skinniest (i am very over weight, but not ashamed of how i look) an yet since i began datin when i was 17 (when i was much thinner an had no kids) i only could find losers interested in me. i dont believe that anythin is wrong with me that would cause every guy i meet to not be interested or just want sex an thats it. is it becuz all guys care about is sex or only wanna date skinny girls? if so, its pathetic, immature an stupid becuz theyre missin out on so much.

New home w/ water softener?

movin into newer home with water softener. what should i know on the maintenance and use? different soaps or detergents? i understand how it works from different website info, but i feel like i am missin somethin

I"m looking for the name of a movie or actor that played a cop that people call stone?

. the cops brother, sister-in-law take him to a resort to meet new people and get his mind off of work and his dead wife. But the trip turns bad when some bad guys take people hostage and try to destroy the mountain. does anyone now the name of this movie? the actor is blonde hair with blue eyes and does martial art in the movie as well.

Will spending time in jail going to stay permanently on my file?

I went to jail the day before yesterday for assault. I pulled a knife out to prevent my idiot step dad from hitting me. Then I called the cops to arrest my abusive step father. However, I was the one that was arrested for pulling a knife out. SOOOO. I went to spend a night in jail, but had my case dismiss . The court says I should not be in jail for what has happen and they release me afterward. It is going to be on my record?

What would the punishment be for here?

You need mental help, or you are just playing games, asking the same question over and over, so grow up and get the mental help...

How can I deal with a family that hates me (Except my dad)?

I think you should consider living with your real dad. Staying at your house listening to suicidal music and cutting yourself is a horrible way to live. Make plans for your future (college/job/house) and do things to get closer to your goals. Work on taking care of yourself. You might also want to talk to a counselor to work on getting the anger out without cutting yourself or screaming at people. You can make your life so much better if you just decide to! I wish you all the best.

In the movie Home Alone, why did the camera guy film the kid instead of calling the cops?

This has been bugging me for awhile. In Home Alone, the camera guy just filmed what was happening, and didn't call the cops. What I'm confused about is why didn't he call the cops? A kid was home alone and his house was robbed, so why didn't he call the cops?

I really want a kitten but my fiance hates them?

Iv always had cats growing up and couldn wait to get my own as soon as i moved into my own home. My fiance on the other hand was brought up in a home that hated cats and wont let me get one. I genuinely feel there is somethin missin in my life without a cat to curl up on my knee in the evening. Our 2 children absolutely love cats too and are constantly asking can we get one. My dilemna is should i just go against his wishes and get one or i should forever live with this feeling of something missing???

Please what do I do?!!!?

there`s a naked mexican dude dancing in my front yard...I think he is a dude but I`m not sure cuz he`s wearing a skirt..should I call the cops??!! PLEASE HELP THIS IS NOT A JOKE!

RHH: What do you do when your listening to music on your computer?

When I'm trying to pay attention to the music I'll usually hit **** like drums, or just move a little to the beat, not to much.

How would u respond to this text?

"Missin u wishin u was here to cuddle with n hold " I srsly have no idea , lol . I know it might seem stupid but , i'm not a big talker & i'm really shy ..what would u say ?

In the movie Home Alone,why didn't anyone call the cops?

The camera man just stood there filming instead of calling the cops.A kids house was being robbed,and he could of been molested.Why did the camera man just film?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Men only please ..........?

He seems normal to me ,he may be concerned with work place dating , some company's frown upon it. Good luck

What can you tell me about CHICHARITO even if he's goaleador?

That he only appears when needed he seems relaxed this entire world cup he's been missin alot of goals he should have like 15 for a player of his caliber... WHAT'S YOUR OPINION?

False domestic violence accusations, please help!!?

My brother was arrested a week ago. His girlfriend came home and they argue she called the cops and accused him of trying to kill her and their 9 months old baby. Court date is a couple days away and she says she'll say more lies so he wont see the baby.

What to do about my cheating mother?

The last 6 months or so my mom has seemed extremely suspicious. My curiosity has gotten the better of me, but I have seen text messages from unknown numbers and facebook messages with the guys name saying things such as "Missin U baby xxoxo" "Hope I can come up to see you see for a long one, and then some u (my moms name)" and all about how much he loves her, and my mom returns the messages equally. It really hurts me and it makes me want to hate her, but I really want to tell my dad because he is the nicest person and doesn't deserve to be cheated on. I'm 15 so it's basically out of my control, any suggestions?

I've been dating my bf for 3 and 1/2 months and we havnt kissed yet and we both want to can you give me some t?

We sit together at lunch talk on the fone and hug but now we are missin sometin a kiss we both want to do it in scool but how do we do it cause i havent kissed a boy in a while so how do i make the first move

What to put in this message?

I had my 1st love when i was about 16 years old, 4-5 years ago and he's made himself known again! Confessing he has feelings for me but doesnt want to make them known because of my ex's brother who has been known to be a bit of a violent hot head and he plays football with him so doesnt wanna start problems but nw im missin out cause of him i dnt know what to say cz i no i lyk him him alot and want somthing to start and i know he does besides my ex's brother gettin in the way! what am i meant to do!

Demonoid invite code plz?

been tryin to get a account but i keep missin when they open the registations, can someone who has one plz send me a invite code?

What question would you ask the Bilderberg Group?

You know, the secretive organization who has been meeting since 1954 with our government officials which has only recently been subjected to press coverage. If you could attend the next meeting of 120+ bankers, CEO's and government heads, what would you ask them?

I am in trouble. Someone please help me?

The whole situation sounds weird. If you're thinking about dating him, I wouldn't because he sounds shady when he ditched you at lunch. I would also wonder why he asked about your home address unless you know it was strictly for work. And as far as him arranging a guy for you to get married, unless you're desperate to get married, I would tell him you can find someone on your own.

Nonprofit CEO and Chairman of Board are one in the same?

The CEO presides over the board, sets the agenda and fills available meeting time with routine reports requiring no board action. Board gets no information except through the CEO. There are no board subcommittees. No way for the board to monitor the executive. CEO says this arrangement (CEO and Chairman the same) is most common arrangement. What is the truth?

What happens if you miss a week of your birth control ?

I missed a week and 4 days of my birth control my period tracker on my iPhone says I ovulate on the 9th and I'm fertile the 4th - 11th I think . me n my bf had unprotected sex on the fourth fifth and sixth . I kno I was wrong for missin em but it's hard to fully remember to take em . what's the chances of getting pregnant ? oh and I'm 18 years old

Wanting to be more aggressive in life? Any advice.?

i have spent my whole life worried about everybody elses happiness and focusing on making that happen. I am now 28 and dont feel fullfilled in my everyday life. I would like to be more aggressive at attaining my dream job of being a cop and in my sexual relation with my girl. I am a passive person. Can you help me be more aggressive.

Parenting: Do you think apartment kids have it worse then house kids?

I used to live in an apartment so I see where you're going with this. House kids do have it worse, I know cause I live in a house now and it sucks. Even now, I'm just sitting in my room watching tv doing nothing and the apartment kids I used to live with are probably all at the movie theaters or hanging out outside.

What do you know about juvie?

I think I'm going to juvie:'/ ... for meth--my brothers threatening to call the cops. How long would I go to juvie for this(I'm 15)?

Please interpret my dream?

So last night I had a dream that I was at a liquor store shopping on my way to a friends party, and one of my friends call me and there like hey don't go to that party bcuz something bad is gonna happen. And I kept asking my friend what was gonna happen and she wouldn't answer she just kept saying not to go. So I went anyway and there were some people there who didnt like me and they drugged me and locked me away. I remember screaming for help and my dream skipped a few scenes to where the cops came, and then I woke up. My Heart was beating super fast and i was so freaked out because I had no idea why I dreamt of them. Then today my close friend called and invited me to a party. It was his party I was going to in the dream, and the girl who was warning me will be there. This is so strange and ironic. Does it mean I shouldn't go?

Having a kids pool party what am i missin?

you need either hot dogs or hamburgers for them when the snacks dont work if you want goody bags go to walmart in the party supply area and you should be good!!!

New pirate poem. Would you read & leave a comment? TY?

What a nice story. So far, it's the best poem i've seen all day. So adventurous, so spirited, told with such wonderful words. love it.

I think Casey Anthony's father has something to hide...?

That whole family is messed up. But I think he's the ring leader. I think he is way more involved in this case than he's given credit for by the State of Florida. He's a frigging cop! Of course, his side of the street is clean? Who agrees or not? I'm curious to know if anyone else picks up this really creepy and sinister vibe from him...

Help music with a friend? of my friends just passed n my family and friends are posting songs on facebook that remind us of him. Do you know any good songs about a friends death and missin him alot? Thanks..

Should she keep the promise?

So about a year ago my friend made a promise to a boy who dated her best friend before he died. She promised him no matter what she would protect her. After his death her best friend betrayed her though, she went with her other friends and left her behind. This tore her apart but no matter what she said she wants to keep the promise. Her former best friend gets sick very easily to the point she has to go to the hospital frequently. When they still talked by friend always went to the hospital to visit her constantly. After his death I noticed she would always watch her and her other friends talk at another table, shed watch her walk away in hallways to. She always checks her Facebook to, to make sure she hasn't put any status' about her not feeling well or anything. When i'm on a walk with her and her dog she always passes by her house and stands there watching it for a few minutes before taking my arm and keeps walking with me. I noticed around her house her dog has been acting strangely as well, just like her, her dog would watch the house until she decides to go walk again. One time she saw this strange man grab her former best friends arm out in town and she suddenly just went up to him and kicked him to the ground and threatened if he ever touched her again she would kill him. So I took the chance to call the cops and they took the man away. I saw her former best friends shocked look but my friend didn't look at her, walked back to me, took my hand and walked away. After the promise, she hasn't been herself. It's like shes tearing herself apart in order to keep her promise. I'm really worried about her, should I try and convince her not to keep the promise she made?

As a young Republican aren't you glad to live in interesting times where you will be allowed to make a stand?

I think once THEY lose all their medicare, SS they've paid into, have to take Granny out of the nursing home and care for her, have to work in a field for 3 dollars an hour.. .THEY will be joining US in the streets bro..

Can a European(Portuguese) fellow become a police officer in USA?

You do not have to have a college degree to become a US citizen but you do have to meet quotas in immigration in order to get a visa as a potential permanent resident and then there is a waiting period before you can apply for citizenship plus you must be sponsored and have a job so it is not as easy as just showing up and applying for a job. Once you have that problem solved then you can contact any police department you think you might want to work for and ask what the requirements are.

Error code 0xe0ef000e when trying to recover discs?

Tried to restore to factory settings computer was up to 65% then it stopped then it displayed error code when restarted computer it said bootmgr was missin and it said ctrl alt delete to reboot did it again same thin popped up used recovery disks again and same thing happened, what do I do?

What's the title of this movie?

It's about the murderer, he had this birth defect and killed people and wore their skin as a mask. He comes out on Halloween. Then he has this sister, thats perfectly normal and that nobody knows of her. The girl is the daughter of the police man in town. Then the murderer chases her down into an abandoned building on night and she ends up killing her brother. She walks out of the building surrounded with cops. And she's wearing her brother's mask. Whats the title??

Why does it seem like white people get all of the good jobs?

Because most minorities are so catered to in this country and they get about twice as much unemployment and government benefits as whites, that they see no need to get out and work.

What are some good songs?

my mom passed away when i was 4 (18 years ago) i would like some songs to listen to that reminds me there is a reason it happen n about missin her more n more each day.

Should i be mad at her ?:( is this mest up?

i dont think you should be mad at her because she has probably liked him a long time and didnt tell you because you were dating him and she didnt want to ruin that for you

Do you know anything about juvie?

I think I'm going to juvie:'/ ... for meth--my brothers threatening to call the cops. How long would I go for this(I'm 15)? Have you ever been to juvie?

What wrestler (whether past or present) would u b a fan of if they weren't missin something?

Id be a John Cena fan if he could, wrestle, stop being Superman, Randy Orton/Edge/Undertaker/Triple H/ Wade Barrett, CM Punk all retired.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why is the pg era so important in wwe?

i grew up in england i dont really see why kids cant watch stuff like the attitude era in wwe i was only 7 when i watched that and it didnt do me any harm kids are exposed to worse things than anythin that ever happened in wwe back then so its either ridiculosy strict parents or maybes im missin something

Have you ever used your "veteran" status to talk a cop out of applying the law against you?

I am a vietnam veteran and it is very clear on my plate. I have never asked for any special favor, nor do I expect any. I would never try and get out of a ticket because I was in Vietnam.

Heart broken for two years?

was with her for over a year and its been over two but i still cant move on ive tried but i end up missin her at the end of the day and picturing me happy with somone else is crazy to me i feel like i will never be happy with a woman again cuaase ill end up thinkin of her and i wont be able to do it, she hates my guts and wont even speak to me so i know it will never be i just cant take the fact knowing i will never be happy with somone else again ill be lonely even if i were with somone

Just a notion to ponder, will ya C?C please?

Wow. Sad one but the subject is a very interesting one. That's why we have to look out for our senior netizens.

Best way to complaint about auto dealer customer service?

What is the best way to complaint about auto dealer service people ? I got my Nissan Quest repaired in a Nissan Dealer and got charged almost two thousand dollar and the vehicle was never repaired enough for me to drive. I ended up buying a new car and still had to pay for the bill. The service person who helped me talked to me in a demeaning way and yells at me when I confronted him about how unprofessional he is. I told him that the way he talked to a woman is pretty bad and he got mad and yelled at me that he has a wife and daughters. I feel bad for them :-( Anyhow, I want the the Nissan CEOs to know how bad their dealer service people are. My brother has a Nissan and he has had similar experience years after years. Needless to say that I didn't buy Nissan and not planning to buy Nissan in the future unless they come up with better customer service at the dealers.

I need lawyer advice please? my boyfriends innocent help?

My boyfriends exgirlfrend has and ordeer of protecton aganst him ... a couple ofweeks ago he spent a week at my house with me, his ex girfriend called him one morning saying he was in the city the night before and he assulted her mean while he was with me. He had a warrant for it and just thursday he got arressted i need help because tuesday i have to go to court ineed advice bcause i have proof on his cell this is the convo : Him: whyare the cops looking for me i didnt do anything to youleave me alone her: yu need help Him: i didnt do anything to yu Her: can youleave your girfriend for a second we have to talk something serious ill do the same can we talk? Him; not even i ddnt do anything drop the charges and we can talk and be civil Her: you know what you show no respect to someone who held you down for 5 years show me respect ill drop the charges no problem Him: i ddnt do anythin to youleave me alone Her: show me respect no problem twodays later she textes hm again asking for drugs. Her: hey youknw anyone whogot ? hellooo any who got Him: not even Her: whathappned to you why are you acting like this ? Her: i missyou Her : helllloooooo ****** can you come pick meup helloooo pleaseee : and than just last week she called private assking if he was okay he hung up on her .... now the judge thinks he assulted her because thats what she wrot on the statemant tuesday he has court and gonna tell us his setaces hes in jail right now and i cnt do nothing tilltuesday how can i get the curt to listen to me and read the textmessags he has a legal aid what do i do ?? please help me

Can a 19 year old transport alcoholic beverages on the train in New Jersey?

closed containers. haha I know this question is kinda dumb and I'm pretty sure the answer is no but Ive got a party to go to in few weeks that I dont want to drive to... I heard that 18+ can transport closed containers in the trunk of the car in NJ (I cant really confirm that but w/e. I was stopped by a cop with a case in my trunk, which he saw but, he let me go.. may have just been being nice lol..)... So anywayyys can I transport closed containers on the NJ Train?

Are there vigilante and taxi missions in GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony?

Are these missions there in the game? Cause everytime I get in a cop car or a taxi, I don't see any option which says toggle vigilante/taxi missions. I even finished the whole game. Do I have to unlock them or something?

Question about suing companies?

Okay so today my brother unfortunately set his car on fire. He had a 2006 Subaru Impreza. I don't know the full story yet because I'm waiting for them to come home but all they told me was that the fireman told them that the fire started because the radar detector overheated. He has a radar detector that detects cops if you didn't know what I was talking about. So I wondering if the insurance doesn't cover my brother's totaled car then would we be able to sue the company that makes the radar detectors?


somebody is sending my computer viruses, calling my house trying to get me into a scam, please don't tell me to ignore the calls and get a antivirus b/c i already did. how can i use malwarebytes or something else to track the ip of the as*hole? i already have his phone # but the cops cant start an investigation until "crime has been committed" IM NOT WAITING UNTIL CRIME GETS COMMITTED! i want to know who this is RIGHT NOW!! can someone get into at&t database or something to try and look up this cell phone # for me if its legal? please

How do you know what is put on your record?

If you weren't charged, nothing would show on your record. But if it's going to bother you, you can have a criminal records check done. Just go to your local police department and ask; it costs about $30, and takes about 10 days to get back.

Can you get into the airforce with demestic felony?

my baby daddy wanted in the airforce but we got drunk and got into a bad missunderstanding it got vilent. can he still join it wasnt like he beat me to death just like like wresiling around and slapping biting and hitting (my mom) called the cops and he is now in jail and wants to join the airforce for a better life for our child. is it still possible

People think I'm in a gang???but why?

"Gangsters" have no certain look, but according to what people think of a "gangster", you might look like one. Depends on the person. But who cares, you shouldn't worry about what you look like unless it harms you.

Police Academy / Police Jobs/ Prison Jobs/ Etc... ( MASSACHUSETTS )?

Hello there, I got numerous questions falling in to the Criminal Justice branch. First question, I will like to know if any of you guys have some knowledge on what is the minimum age requirement to go to the police academy in the states of Massachusetts. Also, is there any website I can visit to apply? Secondly, In the state of Massachusetts, what's the age requirement to work on prison as a CEO. I'm very interested on becoming a police officer on the state of Massachusetts. I'm currently 19 years old, and I'm also going for my second year on college taking Criminal Justice. Please, assist me with websites and knowledge on this questions. :)

I'm workin on a new book, will you C/C please?

Makes sense to me that a book like this has to be made since many don't seem to have a clue on hop to wash clothes anyway lol. Would be a bestseller. :)


If the police won't get involved (understandable since he's not done anything yet) then you're out of luck. You have to have an order from a court to find out who's behind the phone #/IP Address and you're not going to get that it looks like.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Can you get a 'failure to stop ticket' dismissed if you have a witness?

I was at a 3 way intersection and a car was starting to turn left as i was coming to the stop sign. I slowed down and stopped. About a half block down a cop pulled me over. My friend was in the car and she says she will testify that I stopped, my question is , is it worth it? does anyone but the cop ever win? it was about 10:40 at night and pitch black ,if that makes any difference.

Avatars link missin from the list of sites. what to do?

when i go the yahoo home page, i can't see avatars in the list of sites on the left side. I tried "Edit" but it is missing there too. I need to type manually

Do you think most cops are two-faced hypocrites?

Putting on the siren without apparent reason, going the opposite direction on one-way streets, giving tickets for small mistakes that deserve a prior warning(this is basically pick-pocketing your money) . You name it.


Yes like that in the past tense. So I did, I made, I worked, I helped, I asked. Things like that. Hope it helps :)

Am sorry its long question, but please help?? Its about a guy and am breakin my head with it, please advise?

Hi guys this is Sire and i am 16, well there is this guy Sal in my class who is giving me head aches.. I am not able to understad what he is feeling 4 me.. Please help out.. Here's the whole picture- Well Sal and I hated each other since we were small, just a couple of weeks back we started talking with each other(he started it!) it was especially coz we were on the same group assignment, so we had to talk. but since we started talking we're talking like 24/7, not talking, texting mostly.. And about him, he is mr.popular, its like all the girls love flirting with him, but they ***** bout him behind their back, he doesnt have any loyal friend, and he shows off to impress ppl, and ends up irritating the boys, so no one among the boys is really friendly with him, of course in front of him yes, but no loyal buddy. Anyways when we started talking, he said he doesn believe in friendship and that he has had enough of it and i replied 'if you don't believe in friendship, then why you even talking to me?', he said 'honestly, even i am confused, i dont know, but i just dont want anyone to hurt you, i want what's best for you'. And when i asked the othr girls about how he talks to them, they were like, dont believe him he's such a jerk and he has abused them when they asked him personal questions abt his past girlfriend, but to me he says even though i dont ask him anythin about it.. Its so surprising and weird. And then the other day, he said he was feeling down and he'll talk to me later, when he talked to me in the eve, i asked him how he was, whether he was feeling better and he was like 'ya i am fine and thanks for thinking about me' i got jumpy and i replied 'he no double meaning alright, jus friendly' and he said 'LOL i meant it in a friendly manner oly' and i said ' i am sorry i sounded like a stupid, but its better to keep your guard up, i ve lost my trust once and it hurt i just dont wanna feel it again' and he replied 'i perfectly understand, its better to be on guard and hi 5 i ve lost my trust too' And so we got talkin and sometimes he would comment about my outfit like 'hey wear light color clothes, it'll suit you and also its hot out so light clothes keep you good' And exactly a week before we had our first fight..He was telling me about his ex and how she cheated on him and how he was gonna make her sorry i was like 'dont make me so scared of you' he said 'dont be' and i told him that he need not tell me about his ex and deep feelings until he trusts me completely' and he irrelevantly replied 'trust.. the only person i trust the most is my bff and i tell her everything' i got mad i told him not to talk to me until he trusted me enough he was like 'hey pls dont be upset, lets jus talk, pls pls' i did not reply, i guess i was jealous.. i dnt kno!! But once when i asked him to share his feelings with some1, let it be anyone, and he said he does share it with some1 when i asked who he jus said 'you.' Some of my frnds said maybe he meant me as his bff. But yesterday when we were talking he said he was missin his bff, i told him dats so bad and dat he could talk to me if he wants to he replied 'dats ok, i am chattin with her now' i said bye, he is makin me so mad, he wont say the name of his bff when i asked why he said he didn want any1 to know. god knows why. Is he interested in me? or is he jus goofing around? or does he genuinely wanna be friends? please advise, thank ya'll :)


shouldn't unplug without safely removing hardware...... and who cares if you lost your porn theres tons more

How should i stop missin my best friend?

Go out with your other friends, keep yourself busy and occupy yourself, that way you should, not forget him, but at least get rid of the feeling. You could always call him every day and chat.

Do corporations allow the CEO's wife and kids to use them to fly around the world?

Depends on the contract. It's not unusual at all for some companies to give CEO's vehicles for private, family use... no questions asked.

Partyin to much got in trouble, how can i earn parents trust back???? please help! thanks:)?

dude i know how you feel. my mom caught me drinking at a guys house and now she doesnt ever trust me

I really need your help bad ......?

Go to HR and file harrasment on him.. ooh you just like him, just do it at the copy room.. Both of you're not professional on what ya'll doing.

Who is the alpha male in this situation?

he COULD be, but it seems out of character in this situation. In my opinion the waiter would be the alpha male, only because he seems to have more outgoing interpersonal connections with other people.

FIFA 11 - champions cup question?

If I win the cup and while winning it I finish 16th ( Coventry on legendary difficult as hell) will I be in the champions cop next session as the winner

FIFA 11 - champions cup question?

If I win the cup and while winning it I finish 16th ( Coventry on legendary difficult as hell) will I be in the champions cop next session as the winner

I want to go to college to become a CEO for a major business?

I want to work in a major business,and something that deals with computers, I wouldn't mind starting out as an CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) or CCO ( Chief Compliance Officer) or (Chief Communications Officer). I need to know what to major in, in college and what classes I should take.

What are some good movies on netflix?

Boondock Saints, Pulp Fiction, Little Man Tate, and Space Cowboys all come highly recommended. Enjoy.

Why do i still do this despite everything that happened?

please no rude answers because this is serious and personal. so when i was younger my dad would get really drunk and he still does. he gets angry and would hit my mom. this happened several times before the cops got involved and then he stopped last year. he still gets drunk and yells a lot. and one time he kicked me out of the car in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere too. so what i started to do was i started drinking too and im a teen and i started doing bad things and despite everything i thought i would back off of that stuff because its traumatized me so much. so i don't know why i want to do all these bad stuff even though i know how bad it can make people.

Seniors, were stores and other businesses cleaner a decade or so ago they are today?

The one I work in has a dirty entrances, window glass and the floors in the bathroom need a good scrubbing. I am wondering if this is common in other areas of the country due to "cutbacks" i.e. less services for fat bonuses for managers and CEOs.

Need a dog now or I'll die!!!?

dogs are a big responsibility! u know what i did? i just went up to mu mama, and said: " What can i do to be more responsible?" she told me if i was more responsible, ( like doing extra chores, keeping up with my grades, maybe getting a small part time job,) she would talk to my dad! hope this helped, oh! and never, ever, ever! whine and cry for anything! it never works!

I miss sex wit my guy. wat should i do im not able to concentrate in my work?

i'm in love for past 3 years.i and my guy managed to have sex for a couple of times and nw i happen to see him oly once in several months. initially i started watching pron to learn new positions to please him. nw i have got into d Habit of watchin pron continuously when ever i miss sex wit him...v have sexy chat over phone but tat s not enough for me. actually i just want to stop d habit of watchin pron and a way to get over d feelin of missin him a lot .im not able to concentrate on my wrk d dist s makin me sick. V R FITIN OUR WAY IM OUR HOME TO GET MARRIED.

Can my ex boyfriend get charged for "assault" against me even though i don't wish to pursue charges?

Last night my ex got drunk and punched my friends car window and dented her car as well. But he didn't hit me or anyone else that night. The cops were called to report that specific incident, but today he is being charged with assault against me even though he didn't really touch me, he just gave me a slight push away, i even told the police on the scene that the push didn't concern me. I know he shouldn't have punched the hole in the window, but it seems like the are adding insult to injury with these assault charges.

Car damage settlement problem?

You are correct! You do not have to get the vehicle fixed unless you still owe money (auto loan) on the vehicle. If you still owe money on the vehicle, the owners would be your father and the lender and an insurance company would have to look out for the lender also. If the vehicle is paid for, you have the right to get it fixed or accept compensation (the money) for the damage done. You do NOT have to repair the vehicle. The estimate is proof enough. If this is becoming that much of a hassle, I would contact his insurance company and let them handle it and also contact the police.

What happens when the cops bust a party?

I don't think they can arrest every person in the house. I guess something happens to the owner of the house.

Can I fight a speeding ticket if the officer was trespassing when he clocked me?

I'm 17 and I got a speeding ticket after coming home from work one night. Your not aloud to drive after 9 if you under 18 but i had a note from my employer so he didn't site me for that. when he walked up to my window he asked me "what was the necessity of going 80". He didn't ask me what speed I thought I was going or why I thought I was pulled over. he also shined his light in my eyes to check if I was drinking. i believe this confused me and he somehow convinced me I was speeding. He said he clocked me at a local church down the street which is 1.2 miles away from where he pulled me over. I went to the church to day and asked the reverend if they ever gave the police formal permission to park there so technically he was trespassing. After talking with the reverend a little more I found out that they always knew that they parked there and they actually preferred if they didn't. Any way on the night of my pull over he said i was doing 80 but he sited me for doing 79. I would have preferred if he told me i was doing 79 instead of rounding up to 80 because it sounded better. He also clocked me in a 45 mph zone when he pulled me over in and "end 45 mph zone" which means its the state speed limit a which is 55 mph. the speed limit signs were covered by over grown trees so where the speed limit changes over can be very unclear especially at night. I took pictures of the "end 45 mph" sign and the 45 mph sign before the the other sign that was closer to the church (both are covered by trees). I didn't see his lights until i was about to turn into my driveway (that"s right he pulled me over in front of my own home) and his sirens were only on for a split second and even when I pulled over he was still really far away from me. He didn't site me for reckless driving and according to New York sate DMV laws for the speed he accused me of going he should have so obviously he didn't have a clear sight on me. Also where he was located at the church, there is a sign and bushes so his field of view is obstructed. While talking with another police officer, I found out that officers don't use radar to administer tickets, tickets are administered based on an officers observation. Radar is only hearsay. On the night of my pullover it was very windy. I have weather reports proving this and I read the manual of the radar he was using and it said wind can affect radar accuracy. I also plan on using a court case. The Miami radar trial (State of Florida v. Aquilera) where a news reporter clocked a house doing 28 miles an hour and a palm tree doing 86 miles an hour. I am an honor student and used the excuse that i was under pressure from school, my job and the testing that was coming up in June. he then said i wish you luck on those tests and proceeded to telling me a story about how he would have to scrape my dead body from my car when i hit a tree doing 80. I plan on bringing my report card with me to the meeting with the ADA (which is on July 6th) to show that I'm a good kid. I want to know if I have enough of an argument that the cop was trespassing on the church property when he clocked to get dismissed by the ADA. I had the reverend sign a letter I typed up stating he never gave permission to the police. Please don say I should just plead guilty and move on because I know I wasn't going the speed he accused me of going. I really don't want to have to take this to court and spend money on court fees that i need for my college courses I'll be taking in the senior year of my high school. I would also appreciate your advise and past experiences. Thank You.

What kind of music do you prefer?

I'm missin the early 2000's stuff like Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance. I'm hating todays music, it's all the same sorta style and i think it only suites certain styles of people (kesha, rihanna, all these new "rappers" like Wiz and all them) i don't like that stuff. whos liking/hating todays music?

Can my 10 year old friend do anything to me if he let me borrow his ds and i sold it ?

He never asked for it back so i don't know if his parents can do nothing to me or he can call the cops.

Can she put me in jail?

Ok let me make this short as possible. My ex girlfriend has recently filed a protective order against me. We have a son and she refused to let me see him. We agreed to a custody mediation and the 1st time we went she told the mediator that she loved me and wanted to work things out. I agreed so we set up a relationship counseling session. She lives with her parents so they pretty much tell her what to do. She called her mom and told her about the relationshoip counseling session we set up and her mother said that if she continues to try to be with me, they are gonna kick her out. She is in college and her ride is in her parents name. They said they would take that as well. So she backed out of the counseling and said we need to do the mediation again and go thru with it. I said fine whatever. Well she picked me up for the 2nd mediation session which was about an hour away. On the way there sh started telling me i was a piece of **** father and talking **** to me. I told her if she doesnt stop talking to me then she needs to let me out of the truck. She refused so i started getting angry. We yelled and cussed back and forth until finally i got in her face and yelled STOP!!!! She stopped and we sat there for a minute. Then i said look, can we just do this for our son??? She said yes and started driving again. About a mile or two down the road she said "you are such a ****** asshole". Well that was the last straw. I wanted out of the vehicle so i told her i was going to call the cops. There was a gas station about 200 yards away and there were 5 state troopers there. I told her i would call the cops and the state troopers would pull her over and arrest her for holding me against my will. She stopped and i got out of the truck.She came bakc 4 times trying to get me back in the vehicle. I was 40 nmiles from home with no ride. I told her no each time to avoid any more altercation. i got a ride from a feriend of mine and went to his house for a little while while he went to his classes. I got a call from the sherriff and she had filed a report. I now have a protective order aginast me because she told them that i threatened her life, and i was going to get someone to whoop her ***. Also she claims i grabbed the steering wheel and jerked her off the road. I did none o those things. now we have a court date set and i want to know if i can go to jail for her accusations. What kind of proof will she need? Can i go to jail for not baing able to pay court costs up front? Can i get a free attorney? Any info would be helpful, but websites or phone numbers showing guidelines and such would be better. I live in louisiana.

Forgiveness... what do you think about THIS?

You should forgive him, then call the cops. If you were a true Christian, you would want him to get better. There's no better way for him to get the help he needs than to see what stealing does to people. Once his virginity is stolen in prison, perhaps he will learn his lesson.

Please read, what would u have to say about this.?

Honey you have one thing they don't - CLASS! when you're all 20 they'll be stuck with health problems because of their party habits and you'll be a gorgeous girl who all they guys love because she respects herself enough to not screw around, drink, and do drugs. In the long run you'll be much better off than all the people you're talking about. Stay strong and don't give in just because everyone else is :)

My 20yr old stepson plays wow all night at wkends and sleeps all day..?

his father wont tell him to get off it and sees no harm..but he has been on it 8yrs and showin no signs of goin of it..he is missin days from college or goin in late and says he could have a girlfriend if he wanted but has no time.i tried tellin him no noise and off after 12 but ignored most time...really need ideas wat to do me and his father end up arguing over it and stepson knows his father not back me up as he doesnt c it as marriage of a year is rocky as a own daughter is up at 7am and away to college 14miles away and not home till 6 or 7 in evening and works part-time in summer and feels resentful that her stepbrother is given a lift to college by his dad,his college 3miles away..

Why is Capitalism among the Chinese more appreciated then among Americans?

I believe it's because capitalism is grossly misunderstood in America. People think that supporting capitalism means supporting corporate welfare, which is not an accurate depiction of capitalism at all. People forget about the small business side of capitalism, and the sort of capitalism that has brought prosperity to places such as Hong Kong.

New mom. . . .lost my mom?

I'm a new mom of a sweet two month old baby boy. i'm 21 my mom passed away when i was 3 month pregnant. . . .really missin her and wish i had her here to ask stuff. . . . any mom 2 mom sites or something so i can find the answers i need???


I don't think he misses you much, but he thinks about you every once in a while... I would not have my hopes high, but who knows